Business Tranformation

You know that the old practices and methods of approaching business aren’t quite hitting the mark. That something is missing. Perhaps you are looking for a new way to weave your body, mind and soul back into your business.

Our soul carries an energy of knowing, our body carries the energy of knowing, and our mind carries the energy of knowing. Tuning in and connecting with all parts of self, not just of the mind, allows us to bring more insight and information to the table for us to then determine how we want to move forward. The more awareness and insight we have, the more choice we feel we have to choose what feels right for us and businesses.

We have been taught that our businesses are separate from us. It is the old practice that we go to work all day, then when we leave we get to go play. Nowadays, more and more people are starting their own businesses and becoming entrepreneurs. And no longer is our business something outside of ourselves. (Especially nowadays, when we work, sleep, and play all in the same place.)

Our businesses are us – they are a part of us. They have our energy, our heart, our mind and soul weaved into it. And what flows through us becomes a part of what our business wants to become.

And as we work to embody the energy of our business, and connect to the wisdom of your inner guidance system, we get a chance to create from a deeper integration of who and what we are.

We offer a sacred container to hold you and your business while supporting you to connect more deeply with what wants to be created through you. It is a space for you to start shifting from ego to heart, from external to internal, from linear to expansion.

You know your business more than anyone else. Let you be the drive of your creation. Listen to your inner calling of what wants to come through. Allow yourself to be supported as you surrender into the flow. Exploring for yourself what direction your business wants to take you.

Together we explore a variety of topics including:


The energy of your business


What energy are you feeding your business with (or not)


What is seeking to be created through you


Cultivating a bigger space for you and your business to be present

Co-creative experience

The evolution of your business is unique in it’s own way. Throughout the process we make space to support you in:


Reconnecting to your innate knowing


Expanding into and explore the infinite possibilities


Being held in a supportive loving container to be seen and heard


Dropping out of the ego mind and tune into your other senses


Playing with the energy of your business and tune into what is present


Opening up space for the ideas to come in

Supportive tools

Together we custom create a package that feels most supportive and aligned Supporting you as you move through the layers of what isn’t and move into alignment with your creation.

Energetic Alignment Guidance

This is weaved throughout the experience to offer an energetic perspective as you move through each stage of your business evolution.

Energetic Business Reading

A reading provides another layer of insights into how we support the growth and expansion of our businesses.

Quantum Alignment Service

Leading edge remote based energy service that leverages advanced technologies to help balance and harmonize YOU!

Divine Scalar Energy Technology

Strengthen the Embodiment of the Soul

Personal Soul Tones

Quantum Soul Tones are a customized soundtrack from your voice that helps shift the frequency of your root pain pattern. This positive shift reduces the weight of the emotional baggage that has kept you in bondage every moment of your life.

Soul Aligned Light Code

Tuning into your souls frequency and creating a vibrational symbol created specifically for you to assist you in opening up to the higher dimensional frequencies of who and what you are.