be inspired to live your life creatively.

Connect to your
creative flow

A 30-day journey to shift out of your limited thinking way of doing, and expanded into your creative flow of being.

Make space for your creative self.

In this 30-day container together you will get a chance to:

RECONNECT to the creative energy and allow it to flow through you.
RE-IGNITE the remembrance of your creative abilities and gifts, as the powerful creator you are.
RELEASE the limitations and shifting the perspectives that stand in your way of living your life creatively.

We will be utilizing subtle energy tools, healing frequencies, and the most powerful tool of all, gathering together with other creators in groups of six with shared focused intention to shift out our limitations, and open up to receive all that wants to flow through us.

In this sacred container together we will make space for the creative energy to fuel us and propel us forward in creating what we are here to create. This is a space to strengthen the practice of:

  • Letting go of the need to know
  • Surrendering to the unknown
  • Trusting in the divine natural flow and rhythm of life
  • Getting out of our own way and allowing the creative energy to flow through us
  • Becoming in-tune with our relationship with our own creative flow
  • Shifting out of the linear thinking mind and using our intuitive senses to creatively explore

This creation journey, is an invitation to open up to the natural flow of our creative life force and into the ever expanding frequency of the creation. It’s time to give ourselves space to receive the gift of creation!

Are you tired of putting creative time on hold?

It’s time to make space for play, curiosity and begin to weave your creatively expression in all that you do.

What you will experience

Through this 30-day journey together, you will experience the various levels of support; both energetically, consciously and subconsciously. An opportunity to receive the support and allow yourself to move through the layers as you expand and open up to the infinite possibilities of creation.

Group play spaces

Sacred Container for Creation Exploration

This is a space to all come together to support each other in accelerating our creation journey, by making space for our creations to be seen, heard and witnessed. Inviting our gifts and curiosity to be shared as an offer to another as inspiration and a reminder that we are not alone in our creations.

We each take turns being in the middle of the circle, sharing our creation, and inviting others to offer reflections, or curious question to lovingly support in wants to move through.

one-on-one creation space

Be Supported & Receive Space to Reconnect To Your Creative Flow

It is important to me, that during this journey you receive sacred space for your creation and what wants to move through you. If you are unable to attend a group play space call, or there is a calling to connect one-on-one together to support you in anchoring in another piece or part of your creation, then we will schedule a time within the 30 days to do so.

personalized soul tones

Shifting Your Subconscious Limitations With Healing Frequencies Specific To You

There is so much information in the way we choose to creatively express ourselves. The same is to be said, with our voice. In our voice we have billion bits of information that capture where we are at energetically in our spiritual, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

Personal Soul Tones is an audio track that is generated by your own voice, designed to support you in releasing your limiting beliefs and stories, create new neural pathways in the brain and re-balance and harmonize your energy field. Letting the layers of our limitations dissolve as we open up and receive our creative flow and what wants to be created through us.

online reflection & discussion space

Share Your Creative Expression With Other Like-Minds

We will journey together in groups of 6, to create a supportive and sacred space for each other both on calls, and online. This reflection and discussion space is for you to creatively express your internal awareness and insights as you journey along in reconnecting to your creative life force.

remote energy support

Clear Your Energetic Field & Align To Who You Are

We are multi-dimensional beings, and although we are powerful in and of ourselves, we all could use additional support to help keep our energy clear and aligned. We will be utilizing the Quantum Acceleration Service, where a remote energy service will run on you once-a-day. These gentle, subtle energy tool helps to clear the airways, so that you have more space to be YOU.

distance energetic hypnosis sessions

Strengthen Your Positive Beliefs & Dissolved The Negative Beliefs

The energetic hypnosis feature utilizes the remote energy service, Quantum Acceleration Service, to offer a deeper layer of support in shifting our limiting beliefs and stories around our ability to create, and embody the creator being that we innately are. These sessions are on-demand, meaning you request a session via email anytime of the day or night.

Open Your creative lens

During this journey together we will utilize a remote energetic hypnosis feature, that will support us in dissolving the subconscious limitation beliefs and strengthening the positive ones.

Here are some of the core beliefs that we will be working to strengthen:


I trust my creative energy.


I allow the information to flow through me.


It is safe to creatively express myself


Creation energy is life-giving.


My creation feeds and supports me.


I am a creator.


I am creatively abundant.


When I create I am connected to the universal flow.

live your life, creatively.

Starts as soon as we have 6 or more people committed. Will find a time/date that works for all those who choose to journey together in this way.

Daily practices with energy tools to shift our subconscious limitations and open up more space to allow our creation energy to flow through us

Sacred space to connect with our heart-centered individuals

Inner reflection and exploration time to discover your creative gifts and what is waiting to creatively expressed through you

Shifting your perspective around creating and what is means to create from a place of wholeness and abundance


One-time payment: $125
I understand that not everyone has the finance means to invest in this experience therefore, I am offering a sliding scale between $75-125 in hopes to reduce the barrier to entry. I trust that you will offer an amount that feels comfortable, and in integrity to you.

Are you ready to dive into this unique creation experience, as you re-ignite the creative spark within you?

Cassandra’s Story

Creation has been a huge part of my life. I grew up with a gifted artist of a mom, and two very creative sisters, and my father was creative technically. Even though our creative expression was nurtured and supported, and encouraged, I never felt good enough in comparison to the rest of them. When I did try to draw, or paint, I would judge myself and doubt myself which eventually just stunted me from actually connecting to my creative self.

It wasn’t until I was much older, and I moved away from my family that I was able to give myself the permission I need to just create – no matter how imperfect it may have looked or felt.

I’ve gone through many phases in my life, where I put creation on hold; I got lost in work life, in the day-to-day responsibilities, in just focusing on getting ‘things’ done. Which lead me to burnout, again and again. My health both physically, emotionally and mentally (and even spiritually) would decline and I would be left wondering what was really wrong with me. But when I made a devotion to creation, it offered me a chance to realign my life and to finally make space for my heart, and souls expression – which to me is pure creational energy.

Now, I choose with even more determination to dedicate my life to creating, PERIOD. To exploring different ways to create, to play, to weave in the expanded nature of creativity through my every day – and to support others to do the same. Because when I do, I receive so much joy, love and abundance that it fuels me and feeds my entire being. And that is something that I cannot and will not put on hold. Because to me, that was life is really all about. I have given up a lot, and have let go of a lot, because I know that living in our authentic creative expression, is the highest level of abundance we can receive. So for me, the tools, and all things that have helped me along the way, which I will share with you, that has helped me connect to my creator self, is worth it. Because we are all SO worthy of being able to live our life creatively.

Questions & Answers

I am new to these energetic tools, how can I prep myself?

It’s understandable for those that your mind wants to know more about these tools that may seem ‘foreign’ to you. I have been a part of a growing community that use these conscious tools and technology (and have grown up with them in fact) so I can say with full honesty that there is nothing to fear, they are gentle, yet powerful and are here to support.

If you want to explore them further you can take learn about the Quantum Alignment Service here and about the Personal Soul Tones here

I don’t feel like I am creative at all. Is this the space for me?

100% yes! It is so common for people to think that being creative means being able to do art in one way or another. But this space is actually not focused on the creative arts. It’s about getting re-acquainted to the energy, the feelings, the sensations of the creative energy. You may choose during the journey to pick up a paintbrush or write, or sing, and that is highly encouraged but this is a space to journey into the layers beneath that support our creative expression.

I want to join but 30-days seems like a big commitment to me. Should I still join anyway?

This container was intuitively set to 30-days as an initial invitation to just get a taste, a sense if this is how you want to play. From here there are other creation spaces that are longer to really support those who want to really focus on their creations.

I understand that we all have other commitments and obligations in our lives and it may be challenging to follow in practices and attend the calls. And what I say to you is, trust that if you are feeling called to join then you will receive all that you need in where you are at in your creation journey. Would I love for you to join all the calls and use all the tools and things? Well yes, but I trust that your soul knows what is best for you. You get to choose to make a commitment to yourself, to give yourself permission make space for creation that feels right for you.

I am not comfortable in groups, and sharing openly. Is this space for me?

This 30-day journey is designed for smaller intimate groups of 6 to allow space for everyone. The space together is co-created – meaning we each are adding our creative energy to the group and creating the container together. It is a chance to let yourself be seen, supported and to express your creative self with our beautiful, heart centered individuals.